世界上最健康的食物:增强健康的 56 种营养丰富的食物

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<强> 1。小球藻

Sun Potion Sound-Shattered 有机小球藻粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 有机、生物利用度高、活力充沛、营养丰富的小球藻。

<强> 2。海苔
是一种可食用的红海藻,在东亚,尤其是日本食用。它提供蛋白质和 omega-3 脂肪,是铁和钙的有用来源。它还含有支持甲状腺功能和新陈代谢所需的碘和微量矿物质。以片状或片状购买。

CLM 推荐: 健全的海菜有机烤紫菜
我们为什么喜欢它: 有机种植,轻烤,营养丰富的美味佳肴。

<强> 3。螺旋藻
属于单细胞蓝绿色螺旋藻类。它是一种营养丰富的食物,富含叶绿素、蛋白质、维生素、矿物质、必需脂肪酸、核酸(RNA 和 DNA)、多糖和多种抗氧化剂。以粉末或片剂的形式购买。

CLM 推荐: Triquetra Health 有机螺旋藻粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 超高品质,生长在原始水域,不含重金属。



<强> 4。蜂花粉
是一种营养丰富的食物,富含氨基酸、维生素和矿物质。它是 B 族维生素、酶、氨基酸和多糖的重要来源,被认为可以在细胞水平上使身体再生。以颗粒形式购买。

CLM 推荐: Greenbow 有机蜂花粉颗粒
我们为什么喜欢它: 采自只以有机、野生、非转基因植物和花卉为食的蜜蜂。低温干燥以保持营养密度。


发现强大的洞察力和技巧,在您的生活和人际关系中创造容光焕发的健康、幸福、繁荣、和平与流动。 5。 蜂蜜

CLM 推荐: Y.S.蜜蜂农场有机未加工的未加工蜂蜜
我们为什么喜欢它: 生的、未加热的、未过滤的和有机的。这种蜂蜜含有少量的天然超级食物,如蜂胶、蜂花粉和蜂王浆。

6. 蜂王浆
是蜜蜂幼虫在其生命的最初几天给予它们的食物。它被认为可以使身体恢复活力和再生,通常被认为是一种抗衰老的食物。一种特别富含叶酸和其他 B 族维生素的营养丰富的食物,它是一种有价值的大脑和能量补品,还可以滋养肾上腺。以粉末或胶囊形式购买。

CLM 推荐: Y.S.蜜蜂农场生蜂王浆
我们为什么喜欢它: 卓越的蜂箱质量,最高水平 10-HAD 和生蜂蜜味道,极高的营养密度。


此处列出的水果只是以其多样化的抗氧化剂、营养密度和维生素 C 含量而闻名的几种水果。新鲜和干燥的浆果为混合物增添了甜味,非常适合增强能量。您可以购买可在食谱中使用的混合超级浆果粉。某些特定的浆果也可以买到,它们有益于浓缩有价值的营养。

7. 阿萨伊浆果

CLM 推荐: Terrasoul Superfoods 有机冷冻干燥巴西莓粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 新鲜冷冻干燥以获得最大的营养成分和有机物。

8. 阿姆拉
也被称为印度醋栗,amla 是一种营养丰富的食物,富含维生素 C,使其成为一种保护性、免疫支持的水果。它含有人体维持血糖平衡所需的铬和对肠道有益的纤维。作为粉末购买。

CLM 推荐: Terrasoul Superfoods 有机醋栗粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 可持续收获、有机且不含金属和化学物质。

9. 猴面包树果实
具有独特而浓郁的味道,如葡萄柚、梨和香草的混合。猴面包树的维生素 C 是橙子的三倍、铁和矿物质钙、钾和镁,是一种营养丰富的食物,具有活力和碱性。它还富含纤维,对消化健康非常有益。作为粉末购买。

CLM 推荐: Baobest有机猴面包果粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 公平贸易产品有助于支持西非妇女的有机品质。

10. 蓝莓
冻干蓝莓粉是浓缩的营养来源。蓝莓富含植物化学物质,包括花青素,以及维生素 C、维生素 E 和类胡萝卜素,有助于支持免疫功能、认知健康,并预防癌症和尿路感染。以粉末或胶囊形式购买。

CLM 推荐: 有机野生蓝莓浓缩液
我们为什么喜欢它: 一种超高品质、富含抗氧化剂的有机野生蓝莓浓缩物,不含防腐剂、填充剂、人造色素、大豆或硬脂酸盐。

<强> 11。卡姆果
这种小而带红色的樱桃状卡姆果是一种营养丰富、富含维生素 C 的食物。研究表明,它的维生素 C 浓度在 2% 到 3% 之间(每 100 克/31⁄2 盎司约 3,000 毫克)纸浆),这是所有水果中知名度最高的水果之一。它还含有一系列抗氧化剂、B族维生素和矿物质,如钾、铁和钙。它富含纤维,特别有助于减肥和解毒。由于其维生素 C 含量异常高,因此以冻干粉形式购买并仅少量使用。每天 1⁄4 到 1⁄2 茶匙就足够了——过量可能会产生通便作用。不要加热 camu camu,因为这会破坏维生素 C。

CLM 推荐: Terrasoul Superfoods 有机卡姆果粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 低温干燥保存营养成分,有机纯净。

12 接骨木

CLM 推荐: Source Nutrition 有机接骨木果
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自正宗欧洲来源的​​超高品质、手工采摘和藤蔓成熟的有机接骨木果。传说中的灵草。

13 枸杞

CLM 推荐: 龙药天山枸杞
我们为什么喜欢它: 从原始高山原生环境中可持续收获,营养丰富的古代超级食品。

14 印加浆果
又称金莓、醋栗、灯笼。干浆果作为零食很美味,带有柑橘味,略带酸甜味。它们富含抗氧化剂、维生素 A 和 C,有助于增强免疫系统。作为晒干的浆果购买。

CLM 推荐: Navitas Naturals 有机印加浆果(金莓)
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自安第斯山脉原始家庭农场的有机公平贸易。

15 卢库马
美味的秘鲁 lucuma 果实可用作天然甜味剂,并具有类似焦糖的味道。它含有多种营养素,包括维生素、矿物质和纤维,如β-胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、B3、B5和烟酸,以及矿物质铁、钾、钙和磷,使其成为最有营养的食物之一- 地球上密集的食物和浆果。作为粉末购买。

CLM 推荐: Terrasoul Superfoods 有机 Lucuma 粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 超高品质,采自公平贸易家庭农场,营养丰富的食物。

16 马基莓
这种传统的智利食物以其抗衰老特性而闻名。它是世界上抗氧化能力最高的水果之一,尤其富含多酚和花青素,有助于保护和修复人体细胞。它是维生素 C 的重要来源。以粉末或胶囊的形式购买。

CLM 推荐: Navitas Naturals有机马基粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 产自原始巴塔哥尼亚地区,味道鲜美,不含化学物质或金属。

17 蒙莫朗西 樱桃

CLM 推荐: Dynamic Health 有机酸樱桃浓缩汁
我们为什么喜欢它: 超高品质酸樱桃汁,浓缩以获得最大营养。不含填充剂或防腐剂。

18 桑叶

CLM 推荐: Kanchana 有机桑葚茶
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自原始的泰国高地,不含有机物和化学物质。

19 诺丽

CLM 推荐: Healing Noni Raw 有机夏威夷诺丽果汁
我们为什么喜欢它: 完全不使用热量来保存营养,生长在夏威夷营养丰富的火山土壤中。

20 石榴

CLM 推荐: Navitas Naturals 有机石榴粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 冻干保护营养成分,美味又有机。

21 沙棘
这种橙色浆果以其皮肤再生特性而闻名,是一种稀有但功能强大的营养丰富的食物。它富含维生素C和槲皮素,一种抗炎植物营养素。它含有omega-7脂肪,对皮肤非常有营养。购买 100% 纯沙棘汁。

CLM 推荐: Genesis Today 有机黄金沙棘汁
我们为什么喜欢它: 100% 纯有机,最大营养密度,不含防腐剂或添加剂。

22 可可
这是未经加工的巧克力原料。生的、不加糖的可可粉富含抗氧化黄酮,与常见的商业可可饮料和巧克力有很大不同。可可源自可可豆,可可豆是自然界中营养最丰富、营养最丰富的食物之一,因为它的矿物质含量和各种独特而多样的特性。生可可是镁的最佳食物来源之一。它还特别富含铬,用于帮助控制血糖。它含有许多已知可以促进情绪和放松的化合物,例如色氨酸、可可碱和苯乙胺 (PEA)。除了粉末和黄油,一些食谱还使用可可粒,可可粒微苦,具有浓郁的巧克力味和美妙的松脆口感。

CLM 推荐: 天然奇迹生有机可可粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自厄瓜多尔可持续农场的超高品质生有机 Arriba 可可。低温干燥和加工以获得最大的营养密度和新鲜度。


23 芦荟
对支持消化系统健康和血糖平衡特别有用,是一种理想的清洁补品,非常适合容光焕发的肌肤。以果汁或凝胶的形式购买。寻找含有 100% 芦荟的品牌,因为它们的营养密度更高。

CLM 推荐: Aloe Force 生芦荟汁
我们为什么喜欢它: 飞机上最优质的产品,采用特殊的低温、超灵敏的加工方法提取叶汁并保持所有营养。

24 南非醉茄
Ashwagandha 通常被称为“印度人参”,是一种在亚洲许多地区广泛使用的适应性药草(以增强耐力)。它还被用作恢复活力的滋补品、镇静剂、增强免疫力和营养丰富的食物,并被视为一种抗衰老的草药。它可能有助于平静心灵、改善记忆力和协调身体系统。以粉末或茶的形式购买。

CLM 推荐: 太阳药水有机南非醉茄根粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 超高品质,来自小型有机农场,冷水提取以实现最大营养密度。

25 黄芪

CLM 推荐: 维他精有机黄芪提取物粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 高度浓缩,可实现最大的营养密度和药用效果。

26 白桦茸
是最受欢迎的药用蘑菇之一,以其强大的免疫增强特性、高水平的抗氧化剂和抗病毒特性而闻名。它是一种令人惊叹的健康长寿补品,富含减缓衰老过程的植物营养素。 Chaga 含有一系列活性成分:甾醇、三萜类、皂苷和多糖,它还具有免疫刺激作用。作为粉末购买。

CLM 推荐: 禅菇野生白桦茸粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 从缅因州和加拿大的野生森林中可持续手工采摘。

27 四角仙人掌

CLM 推荐: 美国种植 Cissus Quadrangularis 提取物胶囊
我们为什么喜欢它: 100% 纯正,在美国严格的质量控制标准下种植,不使用任何化学物质或合成成分。

28 银杏

CLM 推荐: Vitajing Herbs 有机银杏叶提取物粉末
我们为什么喜欢它: 优质、超高效的提取物在其原生栖息地野生精制和收获,以实现最大的营养密度。

产品通常用作一般补品和适应原,以帮助身体适应日常压力。它们对于改善身心表现、活力和减少疲劳特别有用。人参含有一系列化合物:人参皂甙、皂苷、植物甾醇、肽、多糖、脂肪酸和聚乙炔,以及维生素和矿物质,使其成为一种营养丰富的食物。人参有几种: 人参,通常因其帮助缓解压力的能力而被选中;西洋参、Panax quinquefolius,改善血糖或缓解干咳;西伯利亚人参、刺五加,一种极好的能量、压力和血液滋补品——非常适合运动员。购买粉末、酊剂或胶囊粉末的人参产品。

CLM 推荐: Paradise Herbs Wildcrafted Panax(韩国)人参根
我们为什么喜欢它: 一种超高品质、高浓缩的高丽人参根提取物,来自 57 年的成熟根,具有最大的药用价值和功效。

30 生咖啡

CLM 推荐: NatureWise 绿咖啡豆提取物
我们为什么喜欢它: 高效、优质、药用提取物,带来最大效益。

31 绿茶和抹茶绿茶粉
在绿茶和红茶中,绿茶加工最少,并提供最多的抗氧化多酚,特别是一种名为表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯 (EGCG) 的儿茶素,据信它对茶的大部分健康益处负责。为了获得最佳效果,请使用抹茶绿茶粉,因为当您喝 The Supercharged 抹茶时,您会摄取整片叶子,而不仅仅是冲泡的水。就其营养价值和抗氧化剂含量而言,一杯抹茶相当于 10 杯绿茶,以这种形式食用时,使其成为一种强大的营养丰富的食物。它是一种有效的脂肪燃烧器和能量食品,其高抗氧化水平意味着它还有助于保护身体免受有害的自由基损伤。绿茶还含有氨基酸 L-茶氨酸,它可以刺激阿尔法脑电波的产生,从而营造一种平静和精神警觉的状态。以粉末形式购买或在饮料中加入绿茶。

CLM 推荐: DoMatcha 有机夏收绿茶
我们为什么喜欢它: 阴凉处种植,只选用最优质的顶叶,富含儿茶素,生长于原生火柴地区。

32 绞股蓝

CLM 推荐: 公平贸易绞股蓝茶
我们为什么喜欢它: 在泰国清迈的原始山区——喜马拉雅山脚下,当地农民在不使用杀虫剂或化肥的情况下种植。

33 玛卡

CLM 推荐: Terrasoul Superfoods 有机玛咖粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 生长在秘鲁安第斯山脉高原的小型家庭农场。低温干燥以获得最大的营养密度。

34 奶蓟草

CLM 推荐: 折衷研究所冻干有机奶蓟种子
我们为什么喜欢它: 有机冷冻干燥以获得最大效力和新鲜度。

35 辣木叶

CLM 推荐: Zen Principle 有机辣木叶粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 可持续采购于原始的喜马拉雅山脚下,为最大营养密度而生。

36 黧豆

CLM 推荐 :Himalaya Healthcare 有机黧豆粒
我们为什么喜欢它: 高效提取物发挥最大功效,无添加,纯净。

37 姜黄根

CLM 推荐: 有机姜黄素(姜黄)提取物
我们为什么喜欢它: 一种高吸收性和生物利用度的有机姜黄(姜黄素)提取物,不含防腐剂、人造色素、大豆或硬脂酸盐。

38 小麦草粉
以其振兴和碱化特性而闻名。小麦草味道清淡干净,富含叶绿素,令人难以置信地充满活力。它还富含 B 族维生素、抗氧化剂和维生素 A,以及多种矿物质,包括锰、锌和镁,使其成为世界上最健康、营养最丰富的食物之一。它的高纤维含量意味着它也是绿色果汁的重要补充,有益于消化健康。作为粉末购买。还有绿色超级食物混合粉末,其中包括小麦草和其他绿色超级食物。

CLM 推荐: Amazing Grass有机小麦草粉
我们为什么喜欢它: 在户外数百小时的阳光和新鲜土壤中有机种植,以获得最大的养分密度。

39 雪莲果

CLM 推荐: Blue Lily Organics 100% 纯有机认证雪莲果糖浆
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自秘鲁安第斯山脉原始山区种植的雪莲果,以获得最大的养分密度。



40 椰子油

CLM 推荐: 生物活性活性有机椰子油
我们为什么喜欢它: 传递最高质量和最新鲜的椰子油。正如大自然所期望的那样,一种营养丰富的食物。

41 卵磷脂颗粒

CLM 推荐: Now Foods 非转基因向日葵卵磷脂颗粒
我们为什么喜欢它: 非转基因、美味、物超所值、无添加。

42 MCT油
MCT 代表中链甘油三酯。它主要由辛酸和癸酸脂肪酸组成,在室温下为淡黄色、无味、半透明液体。它通常来自椰子油。 MCT油由肝脏处理并立即燃烧以产生能量。它可以增加新陈代谢,从而帮助你燃烧脂肪。买瓶装。

CLM 推荐: 运动研究有机 MCT 油
我们为什么喜欢它: 来自新鲜有机椰子的纯 MCT 油。

43 Omega-3 和 -6 油
有一系列富含欧米茄的油可以提供必需脂肪酸 omega-3 和 -6 的良好平衡。其中包括亚麻籽油、奇亚籽油和大麻籽油,以及欧米茄混合油,这些油在未经加工的情况下本身也是营养丰富的食品。将这些油存放在冰箱中。以有机冷榨油和胶囊的形式购买。

CLM 推荐: Vital Choice 野生冷压阿拉斯加鲑鱼油
我们为什么喜欢它: 传承世界上最新鲜、最纯净、最有效、最美味的鱼油。由新鲜的野生阿拉斯加鲑鱼冷压而成。一种营养丰富的食物。


44 开菲尔和康普茶
是营养丰富的发酵饮料,已使用了数千年,以促进健康和活力。它们提供多种有益的益生菌,这些益生菌对于支持整体健康、免疫功能、消化和解毒至关重要。 Some of the recipes include kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir or coconut kefir to boost your intake of these beneficial bacteria. You can either make your own fermented drinks or purchase them from health shops or online.

CLM Recommends: Cultures For Health Kefir Grains
Why we like it: Non-GMO, Organic sugar culture, high quality.

Nuts and Seeds

Many of the recipes in my book include nutrient-dense nuts and seeds to provide additional protein – essential for maintaining muscle mass – healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Super-seeds are:

45. Chia seed
Is a an exceptionally nutrient-dense food and rich source of protein, omega-3 fats and soluble fiber to balance blood sugar and support bowel health. It also contains valuable minerals including calcium and iron. Its high soluble-fiber content makes it absorb water very easily, making it plump up when added to liquids. Once digested, chia expands in the stomach, creating a sensation of fullness. Buy the whole seed for use in the recipes.

CLM Recommends: Nutiva Whole Organic Chia Seed
Why we like it: Ultra high quality, organic, hexane free, highly nutrient dense food.

46. 亚麻籽
Like chia, flaxseed is a seed and food known for its exceptional nutrient-density fiber content and high levels of omega-3 fats. It also contains lignans, a type of phytochemical (plant chemical) that can help to balance hormone levels. A good source of protein, flaxseed is also useful for stabilizing blood sugar levels and supporting energy. Buy the ground flaxseed.

CLM Recommends: Spectrum Organic Ground Flaxseed
Why we like it: Organic and cold milled to preserve nutrient density and heat sensitive compounds.

47. Hemp seed
Hemp provides a wealth of nutrition, including good levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids and fiber. It is also a rich source of minerals, especially iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium, making it one the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Hemp protein powder gives smoothies a rich, earthy flavour. The seeds add a lovely nutty flavour to drinks. Buy as soft, raw shelled hemp seeds.

CLM Recommends: Nutiva Raw Organic Shelled Hempseeds
Why we like it: Delicious, Non-GMO, raw hempseed for maximum nutrient density.

Protein Powders

In order to support a healthy weight loss and retain muscle, it is important to consume sufficient protein. For this reason, I have added protein powders to some of the recipes in my book. These can be particularly helpful in stabilizing blood sugar levels and keeping you feeling fuller for longer as well as maintaining muscle mass, which is important for boosting metabolism.

If you are active or work out regularly, including protein powders post-training can assist your recovery, as they are nutrient-dense foods in terms of their amino acid content. Protein powders vary tremendously in terms of their constituents, so choose a high-quality powder without unnecessary fillers, additives and sweeteners. You will find a range of flavors, but I use plain, vanilla or chocolate in this book. Whey protein powders are popular and contain a good bioavailable source of amino acids and other components to support health; however, some people find dairy products difficult to digest. The recipes in this book use soya- and dairy-free vegan protein powders such as pea protein, hemp, rice or a sprouted superfood blend, which are also low in allergens and highly nutritious.

CLM Recommends:  Raw, Organic Grass-Fed Whey Protein
Why we like it: An ultra-high quality, organic whey protein that is low-temperature processed to maintain protein quality and nutrient/amino acid absorbability

Supplements and Minerals

48. 胶原
Is a highly nutrient-dense food and natural protein component of the skin and the main building block for cells, tissues and organs. About one-third of the protein content in your body is made up of collagen, which is found in the bones, muscles and tissues of the organs. Collagen, keratin and elastin give the skin its strength, elasticity and structure. Taking a collagen supplement can be helpful for improving skin health, supporting the gut lining, the bones, joints and healthy muscle mass. It is normally derived from marine or bovine sources. Buy as a powder.

CLM Recommends: Sports Research Non-GMO, Grass-Fed Collagen
Why we like it: From humanely treated, pasture raised, grass fed cows for maximum nutrient density.

49. 初乳
Is the first milk produced by breastfeeding mothers, and it is renowned for its immune-boosting properties and as a unique and powerful nutrient-dense food in its own right. Bovine colostrum is used as a supplement and has a similar structure to colostrum produced by humans. Research has supported its many health benefits, particularly for improving digestive function and nutrient absorption, but also for balancing the immune system, increasing energy and reducing inflammation. Buy as a powder or as capsules.

CLM Recommends: Immune Tree Grass-Fed Colostrum Powder
Why we like it: Harvested from humanely treated, grass-fed cows at peak potency and freshness to create a powerfully nutrient dense food.

50. 谷氨酰胺
Is the most common amino acid found in the muscles and this makes it a popular supplement to use post-exercise to aid muscle recovery. Glutamine may also support the production of the growth hormone, which helps to improve muscle mass, making it ideal for weight loss programs. A key amino acid for the gut, glutamine also helps to repair and nourish the intestines and support immune function. Buy as a powder.

CLM Recommends: Pure Encapsulations Glutamine Powder
Why we like it: Ultra pure, ultra high quality powder.

51. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
Is an organic sulfur compound – an essential nutrient found in the body, playing a critical role in detoxification and in reducing inflammatory conditions. MSM is a beneficial nutrient for bone health, helping arthritis and improving joint flexibility. It has been shown to break down the calcification that is frequently associated with chronic inflammation, particularly in the arteries. It also increases the thickness and strength of nails and hair, and supports healthy skin. Buy as a powder.

CLM Recommends: Pure Encapsulations MSM Powder
Why we like it: Ultra pure and uses the best known form of Opti-MSM.

52. Nutritional yeast flakes
Are formed from deactivated yeast and are a complete protein that is particularly rich in the B vitamins, making it a useful energizing and highly nutrient-dense food. Buy in tubs or bags.

CLM Recommends: Sari Foods Non-GMO Nutritional Yeast Powder
Why we like it: Chemical free, additive and preservative free, non-GMO nutritional yeast powder. A highly nutrient dense food.

53. Probiotic powders
Beneficial bacteria (probiotics) are naturally present in the gut and are vital for overall health, digestion, detoxification, immune function and can even influence our mood. Beneficial bacteria can be easily diminished through stress, medications and a poor diet and they are an important part of a nutrient-dense foods diet as they help us to absorb nutrients from food. Probiotic powders are a convenient way to increase your levels of healthy bacteria.

CLM Recommends :Now Foods 10 Strain High Potency Probiotic Powder
Why we like it: Strong, pure, full spectrum, dairy free, high quality probiotics.

54. Shilajit
Is a brown pitch or tar (resin) that exudes from layers of rocks in several mountain ranges of the world, although it is often referred to as a herb. Because it possesses a range of minerals and itself is a highly nutrient-dense food, it is used as a supplement to mineralize the body. It also contains fulvic acid, which aids nutrient absorption as well as being a strong detoxifer. Buy as a resin (ideal), powder or capsules.

CLM Recommends: Purblack High-Potency Shilajit Resin
Why we like it: Harvested from a protected, ultra-clean and pure source. Highly nutrient dense food.

55. Tocotrienols
Commonly derived from rice bran, this highly nutrient-dense food provides a natural, concentrated source of bio-available vitamin E plus other nutrients and plant-based fats important for optimal health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals and adds a delicious, sweet flavor to a smoothie. Buy as capsules or as a powder.

CLM Recommends: Sun Potion Tocotrienols (Rice Bran)
Why we like it: Delicious, highly nutrient dense food, ultra high quality, highly digestible and bioavailable.

56. Zeolite
Is a natural volcanic mineral and one of the most powerful negatively charged minerals in nature. It is used as a natural chelating agent that allows the release of toxins, pesticides and heavy metals from the body. It is commonly used as a detoxifer. Buy as a liquid or powder.

CLM Recommends: Pure Planet Fulvic Zeolite Liquid
Why we like it: Totally natural, sourced from volcanic magma, highly pure.

Juice Recipes Incorporating Nutrient-Dense Foods

Easy Greens

+ 1 cucumber
+ 2 celery sticks
+ 1 handful of spinach leaves
+ 1⁄2 lemon, peeled
+ 1⁄4 tsp wheatgrass powder or green superfood blend

Wheatgrass powder is a fabulous weight loss aid and highly nutrient-dense food. It adds nutrient intensity to this light juice while boosting detoxification. You need only a little to increase your vitamin and mineral intake and benefit from its cleansing power. Put all the ingredients, except the wheatgrass, through an electric juicer. Stir in the wheatgrass and serve immediately.

Nutritional information per serving

Kcals 63 | Protein 4.4g | Carbohydrates 7.9g, of which sugars 6.7g | Fat 0.8g, of which saturates 0.1g


+ 2 carrots
+ 1⁄4 small pineapple, skin cut off 1cm/1⁄2in piece of root ginger
+ 2 handfuls of spinach leaves
+ a pinch of ground cinnamon
+ 1⁄2 tsp Maca powder
+ 100 ml/3.5fl oz/generous 1∕3 cup coconut water

Keep your energy high as you detox with this refreshing juice. Maca powder is an adaptogenic herb and nutrient-dense food, known to strengthen the body and help to maintain optimal stamina and endurance. It is ideal as a cleansing and caffeine-free energizer.

Put all the ingredients, except the cinnamon, maca and coconut water, through an electric juicer. Stir in the remaining ingredients, or transfer the juice to a blender or food processor and blend to combine. Serve the juice immediately.

Nutritional information per serving
Kcals 150 | Protein 4.1g | Carbohydrates 30g, of which sugars 24.5g | Fat 1.4g, of which saturates 0.3g

This article on nutrient-dense foods is excerpted with permission from  The Supercharged Green Juice &Smoothie Diet by  Christine Bailey.