长寿饮食:12 种神圣的草药和食物,为 100 多岁及以后的人创造终身健康

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我对人们进行超级食品教育的方式是,它们代表了大自然对补充剂的首选替代品。生活在二十世纪的一个众所周知的事实是,战略补充是必要的。多年来我一直观察到,在大多数情况下,合成化学提取的分离营养素会使身体的代谢节律失去平衡。这就是为什么我们现在将注意力转向含有所有活性化合物的食物和全食物浓缩物,不使用化学溶剂提取,历史悠久,可追溯到数百至数千年,作为蓝色区域抗衰老饮食的关键成分在世界各地及其他地方,一天结束时都是 100% 的食物。





20 世纪著名的海底探险家雅克·库斯托 (Jacques Cousteau) 研究了海洋及其所有生命形式的奥秘。他相信寻找人类营养和真正健康的饮食会回到海洋。这似乎是人类的下一个前沿,至少提供了平衡营养的基本成分。海洋中的微藻和浮游植物为所有人类提供非凡的营养,尤其是发育中的儿童、怀孕的各个阶段、慢性骨骼和肌肉萎缩、老年人以及介于两者之间的各种情况。在我们前进的过程中考虑雅克的话; “大海,伟大的统一者,是人类唯一的希望。现在,这句老话前所未有地有了字面意义:我们都在同一条船上。”





发现强大的洞察力和技巧,在您的生活和人际关系中创造容光焕发的健康、幸福、繁荣、和平与流动。以海洋为基础的抗衰老食品对于全面营养至关重要,因为过度依赖陆源食品可能导致海藻和藻类中丰富的微量矿物质和微量营养素缺乏。浮游植物是一种令人难以置信的大脑营养来源,因为它含有长链 omega-3 脂肪酸 EPA 和 DHA,它们对于适当的长寿饮食至关重要,并且最常见于鱼类,而鱼类通常在世界蓝色区域食用。然而,由于重金属污染、放射性污染和海洋中的过度捕捞,鱼源并不经常被推荐。作为纯素营养来源,它对大脑、神经、细胞能量产生和肌肉燃料有很大帮助。


海洋浮游植物含有所有已知食物中最完整的营养包,这就是为什么它是任何抗衰老方案和长寿饮食的关键组成部分。它是一种完整的蛋白质来源,估计含有约 60% 重量的蛋白质和 100% 的生物利用度。这种特性在营养界几乎是闻所未闻的。浮游植物含有人体所需的每一种已知矿物质,也许还有每一种未知的矿物质。考虑到它的起源位于富含矿物质的海洋深处,这并不奇怪。根据大卫沃尔夫在他的书超级食品中的说法 , 海洋浮游植物含有大量的 B 族维生素,如 B1、B2、B3、B5、B6 和 B12,以及维生素 A、C 和 D。这些是激素合成、减轻压力、精子细胞生成、神经生长所必需的因素、眼睛健康、组织修复和免疫支持。



Oceans Alive 海洋浮游植物,它在超清洁光生物反应器中培养,这些光生物反应器本质上是专门用于生长浮游植物的尖端生态无害设施。由于海洋中的污染物和污染,不建议使用公海浮游植物。他们使用一种特殊的海洋浮游植物菌株,已知其效力和营养密度是任何其他品牌的 8,000 倍。


1974 年联合国世界粮食大会谈到螺旋藻


螺旋藻是南美洲著名的蓝藻,是未来的主要食物之一。鉴于研究、历史用途和营养生物多样性,螺旋藻是最推荐纳入任何健康饮食的食物之一。这种海藻最近重新出现是在 1964 年,当时比利时植物学家让伦纳德将它带到了现代世界。在此之前,现代文明中没有人真正了解它。螺旋藻作为主食的使用可以追溯到 1500 年代早期 Hernando Cortez 来到阿兹特克国家时。在墨西哥城,螺旋藻是数百年来消耗的主要蛋白质来源,并且已成为当今许多素食长寿饮食的主食之一。不同品种的螺旋藻已被纳入土着墨西哥人、非洲人、亚洲人和南美洲人的饮食中。据说螺旋藻早在时间允许的时候就已经存在于地球上。


螺旋藻是干物质重量的 60% (51-71%) 蛋白质。尽管美国国家医学图书馆表示,螺旋藻作为蛋白质来源并不比牛奶或肉类好,而且每克的价格大约高出 30 倍,但他们没有考虑到螺旋藻含有完整的生物可利用氨基酸谱,而牛奶都没有任何肉类产品都没有,特别是当这些产品被煮熟时。与煮熟的动物蛋白不同,螺旋藻已被证明不会对人类或动物产生不良副作用,无论剂量如何。 2009 年对 550 名营养不良的儿童进行了一项研究,他们每天喂食 10 克无毒螺旋藻粉。已发现螺旋藻有助于和预防毒素对心血管系统、腺体系统、生殖系统和神经系统的损害,使其成为逆转衰老的最佳食品之一。

螺旋藻含有强大的抗氧化色素,支持所有生物过程,使其成为任何长寿饮食的关键组成部分。螺旋藻的色素沉着与眼睛健康和神经系统功能有关。螺旋藻中的一些色素是β-胡萝卜素(眼睛视网膜健康)、玉米黄质(眼睛视网膜)、叶绿素(血液健康)和叶黄素(眼睛保护)等。特别感兴趣的是藻蓝蛋白,它的字面意思是藻蓝。这种色素沉着的物质是一种有效的自由基清除剂,可以保护我们免受过度氧化。日本的研究人员发现,藻蓝蛋白在排毒阶段具有肝脏和肾脏保护作用。这种蓝色色素被认为是螺旋藻对药物给药引起的肾衰竭的保护能力的化合物。在用全食治疗一书中 Paul Pitchford 清楚地说明了好处:


研究表明,螺旋藻具有阻断人类 HIV T 细胞复制的能力。它已被证明可以帮助患有或未感染 HIV 的营养不良儿童增加体重并改善贫血状况。 2007 年进行的一项研究表明,螺旋藻实际上提高了服用 16 周的患者的抗氧化能力。这些患者的血浆显示抗氧化水平有所增加。毫无疑问,这将是我们未来最重要的长寿补充剂之一,与其他微藻如小球藻、海洋浮游植物和蓝绿藻一样。


这种深沉、丰富、超新鲜的蓝绿色螺旋藻粉是目前世界上质量最高、最纯净的产品之一。 Triquetra Health 的有机螺旋藻粉富含高生物利用度营养素、抗氧化剂和完整蛋白质,是必不可少的抗衰老超级食品。



小球藻是一种单细胞绿藻,因其丰富的叶绿素含量而得名,这也是它获得深绿色色素沉着的地方。它是已知的造血营养叶绿素含量最高的食物,每克 3-5%,有人甚至建议每克 10%,而最好的小麦草汁可能每克最多含有 0.2%。早在 1900 年代初期,就已经对小球藻进行了非凡程度的科学研究。在 1940 年代后期,小球藻被认为是一种很有前途的食物来源和解决不断增长的人口增长的方法,当时人们认为这会造成世界饥饿。这种藻类被认为可以通过在全球范围内提供高质量的食物来源来结束潜在的饥饿危机。

所有的超级食物藻类都拥有令人印象深刻的营养恢复,尤其是在蛋白质、脂肪酸、抗氧化剂和矿物质方面,这就是为什么它们被推荐为任何长寿饮食的一部分。以干物质重量计,叶绿素含有大约 45% 的蛋白质,使其成为孕妇、发育中的儿童和参与持续锻炼活动的人的主要食物来源。日本的一项研究跟踪了 70 名患有妊娠高血压和妊娠贫血的妇女。这些妇女被分成两组,一组服用安慰剂,另一组从怀孕第三个月到分娩,每天服用六克小球藻。服用小球藻的人在贫血(通过血红蛋白测量)和妊娠高血压症状方面都有显着改善。小球藻中含有大量的铁元素,铁元素对造血起到预防和帮助贫血的作用。

在光合作用过程中,小球藻发展出其最独特的特性之一,称为“小球藻生长因子”。众所周知,小球藻生长得非常快,每个细胞每 20 小时自我翻两番,而 CGF 是其快速生长的原因。这些被认为是抗衰老营养素,可帮助身体使受损细胞从自由基暴露中恢复活力,改善疾病恢复,增强免疫系统功能以及受损组织的再生。在帕金森氏症、多发性硬化症、痴呆症或任何其他退行性疾病的情况下,特别是在认知和/或运动功能迅速下降的情况下,小球藻受到高度重视。众所周知,CGF 可以修复和重建绝缘神经组织,保护脆弱的神经纤维,使我们能够思考、感觉和移动。这些 CGF 由一整套有价值的营养素组成,最有趣的是核苷酸 RNA/DNA。随着时间的推移,饮食中缺乏核苷酸会导致细胞修复速度减慢,从而加速衰老标志物。建议小球藻帮助增加先进的细胞修复并帮助身体构建新的遗传物质,使其成为首要的长寿食品。日本的研究得出结论,小球藻是以前认为是沙丁鱼的最高天然 RNA 来源。

小球藻因其先进的解毒能力而广受赞誉,尤其是在去除环境毒素、塑料化合物和重金属方面。小球藻含有一种不易消化的纤维状外壳,可与在体内生物积累的毒素结合,并护送它们通过消化道进行清除。它已被证明可有效去除重金属(铜、铅、汞、镉、镍等)等有毒元素、杀虫剂、杀虫剂、除草剂等异种雌激素以及 DDT、PCB 等各种致癌化合物和与延长寿命相反的酒精代谢物。肝功能对于最佳健康、消化、激素分泌和表现至关重要。

小球藻被证明具有肝脏保护作用,既可以作为预防方式,也可以作为解毒方式。札幌医科大学的福井博士证明,饮酒前摄入 4-5 克小球藻可以预防 96% 的酒精对肝脏中毒的宿醉。看看 David Steelblock 博士在他的著作 Chlorella Natural Medicinal Algae 中的这段摘录 :

“小球藻已被用于为接触 PCB(多氯联苯)的人解毒。日本北九州市环境污染研究所的植田博士在一年的时间里,每天给 30 名接触 PCB 的患者服用 4-6 克小球藻。结果几乎所有人都得到了改善,变得不那么疲倦,消化更好,排便正常。除 PCB 外,另一种非常有害的氯化烃类杀虫剂十氯酮(kepone)已被证明在口服小球藻时,其从体内清除的速度是其两倍以上。”





Sun Potion Sound-Shattered 有机小球藻粉
Sun Potion 的小球藻粉末经过声音粉碎,可以破坏小球藻厚厚的细胞壁,从而最大限度地吸收营养和生物利用度。 Sun Potion 的小球藻经过有机认证,具有最高纯度和效力,装在特殊的深蓝色玻璃罐中,确保敏感的小球藻粉末尽可能新鲜和充满活力。


爱啊,你和我的时间是什么时候,在棕榈树和南方松树的土地上;在棕榈树、橙花、橄榄、芦荟、玉米和葡萄树的土地上。 ”——   阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生


芦荟是世界上最伟大的生存植物之一。据说起源于非洲,现在它在温带和热带气候的全球景观中蓬勃发展。这种植物因其独特的治疗和延长生命的特性而流传了几个世纪。埃及人是有记载的历史上最早使用芦荟的人。有传言说,两位埃及王后纳芙蒂蒂和克娄巴特拉经常使用芦荟作为他们美化日常的一部分。这种植物受到埃及人和其他文化的高度推崇,作为长寿饮食和生活方式的一部分。伊斯兰教徒将芦荟视为宗教偶像,将其挂在门口,相信它可以保护他们免受负面精神的侵害。人们会创造一种芦荟和没药的混合物,用于在法老死后进行防腐处理。只要携带至少一磅芦荟,人们就可以参加尊贵的国王的葬礼。这种植物的诱惑只逃脱了地球的一小部分。据说亚里士多德说服亚历山大大帝征服了索科特拉岛(现在的也门)的芦荟种植园。在十字军东征时期,圣殿骑士团调制了一种由棕榈酒、大麻和芦荟浆制成的饮料。他们称这为“耶路撒冷的灵丹妙药”,相信这会延长他们的生命。公元前 600 年左右,阿拉伯商人将芦荟带到了印度和波斯。阿拉伯人想出了如何将凝胶与外壳分离。他们称这种植物为“沙漠百合”,因其内外用途。

芦荟的历史继续跨越各大洲,传播到大罗马、中国、西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰、法国、英国和世界上大多数蓝区文化。接触过芦荟的每一片土地都开始崇拜它,并将其纳入自己的治疗系统。克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (Christopher Columbus) 在第二次前往美国的航行中发现了芦荟,报道, “人类的幸福离不开四种蔬菜:小麦、葡萄、橄榄和芦荟。一者养他,二者提神,三者和谐,四者治之。”


芦荟中的糖质营养素(多糖)通过产生有助于识别和消除体内自由基并逆转衰老的抗氧化剂来帮助增强免疫系统。芦荟中含有维生素 C 和 E 等抗氧化剂,同时增加了肝脏中谷胱甘肽合成酶的产生。谷胱甘肽是一种强大的抗氧化剂,对我们白细胞的发育以及防止对其他细胞功能的损害很重要,这些功能阻碍了氧化的发生。身体的每个部位都会受到谷胱甘肽生成增加的影响,例如肝脏、氨基酸转运、酶激活、蛋白质合成以及影响 DNA 修复的关键代谢反应。

在曼谷玛希隆大学医疗植物信息中心进行的研究表明,芦荟汁本身可以通过降低血糖和甘油三酯水平对糖尿病患者产生显着影响。对 72 名糖尿病患者中的两组进行了一项研究。一组每天两次服用一汤匙芦荟汁(甚至不是整个凝胶),另一组服用安慰剂。他们的研究结果表明,两周后,饮用芦荟汁的患者的空腹血糖水平大幅降低,并随着研究的进行而持续改善,从而可能延长寿命。

在书中,治愈的糖 , Emil I. Mondoa, MD, Mindy Kitei 证实了一个使用芦荟来帮助稳定传统医学治疗无效的癌症状况的案例。

“1998 年在意大利米兰进行的一项研究中,26 名患有晚期实体瘤(包括乳腺癌、胃肠道癌、脑癌和肺癌)的患者在对传统疗法有反应的人每天服用 20 毫克褪黑激素,这已被证明对无法治愈的转移性癌症患者有一些益处。另外 24 名患者每天服用 20 毫克褪黑激素,外加芦荟酊剂(酒精类液体),每天两次,每次 1 毫升。在 24 名接受褪黑激素加芦荟治疗的患者中,有 2 名患者获得了部分缓解,而单独接受褪黑激素治疗的患者均未出现改善。此外,14 名芦荟患者的癌症稳定下来,而褪黑激素患者只有 7 名。”




Aloe Force 的芦荟叶汁是地球上最优质的产品,除了直接食用新鲜野生叶子中的凝胶外。由于大多数人无法访问它,因此这是下一个最好的事情。 Aloe Force 使用一种特殊的低温、超敏感处理方法来提取叶汁并保持所有热敏化合物的完整性,从而在体内达到最大的愈合、健康和延年益寿效果。


“嫩椰子里有甜水。谁把水倒进了椰子里?这是任何人的作品吗?不,只有神能做这样的事。”  斯里沙迪亚赛巴巴

几千年来,椰子一直被尊崇为一种长寿食品。照片:xipe totec39


在菲律宾,椰子树通常被称为“生命之树”。它在梵语中被称为“供应所有已知生命的树”。在斯里兰卡的历史上,有一首诗叫做 The Mahavamsa 可以追溯到公元 589 年,它很早就提到了第一次种植椰子。有趣的是,斯里兰卡有一家椰子研究所,其使命和愿景是开发技术来创造知识并限制椰子产业面临的挑战,以提高这种食物来源的可持续性。

椰子水在其保健、性能和延年益寿方面确实令人惊叹。椰子水中的微量矿物质与有助于我们神经系统的电解质的自由离子结合,从而使其成为离子矿物质来源。这意味着这些矿物质在我们体内的导电性比典型的食物选择和矿物质补充剂要高得多。水与人体血浆几乎相同,估计占我们血液的 55%。我们血液的另外 45% 是血红蛋白,几乎与叶绿素相同。 In wartime, specifically the Vietnam War, they would use the coconut’s water as a blood plasma substitute, gathering coconuts up in preparation for a big battle. In developing countries there has been many cases where they have used coconut water as an intravenous hydration fluid to replenish blood loss.

The above information could be a great indication on why many cultures such as Polynesians, Hawaiians, and Filipinos have excellent health and skin even though they eat many fried and fatty foods in their diets. The blood is literally being purified and replenished, providing hydration to the cells which transfers over to all parts of the body. What an outstanding healthy food!

Along with a great source of important saturated fat coconuts also contain Medium Chained Fatty Acids which are fatty acids inside Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s), the consumption of which are a key component of any longevity diet. This form of medium chain fat requires much less metabolic effort to digest and does not prompt the pancreas to produce enzymes as saturated fats from animal foods do. MCT’s are easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and transported directly to the liver for energy manufacturing. One of the corner stone benefits of coconut oil products is for athletes and those who exert a lot of energy in their day. Fats, in general, expend a lot of energy in processing into a viable fuel source which may not be useful for athletes prior to an activity or workout. The MCT’s in coconut oil act as a fast track energy source that helps your body use ketones instead of sugar as fuel without the digestive discomfort of heavier fats. The MCT content in coconut oil is used by the body like carbohydrates but without the constant urge to eat every 10-20 minutes for glucose replenishment. Coconut oil is composed of around 60-66% MCTs, making it highly absorbable and easy to store in the body for usable and easily accessible energy reserves.

Dr. Ray Peat who has been a champion for anti aging medicine and the benefits of coconut products explains that farmers tried using cheap coconut oil to fatten their pigs in the 1940s. The farmers were looking to fatten up the animals to increase their weight for greater profits. Opposite of their intentions, the farmers ended up with lean, more active, and hungrier pigs. This resulted in the use of corn and soy to slow down the thyroid of the animals and cause them to gain excessive weight instead. Coconut products provide hormone pre-cursors, activating hormone production such as the thyroid stimulating hormone that controls how quickly the body uses energy, creates proteins, moderates metabolism, and assists in the regulation of all other hormones. The thyroid is considered the shield gland of the body existing in the neck, protecting us from physical dis-ease. If the shield is deactivated or suppressed we begin to experience health issues such as potential weight gain. In the case where someone may have hypothyroidism (extremely decreased activity), coconuts and coconut oil may be the best thing to jump start their metabolism.


提供最高品质和最新鲜的椰子油。 Coconut Secret 的生物活性活椰子油使用离心纺纱机从新鲜收获的有机椰奶中提取和分离椰子油,以获得超纯、美味、药用延年益寿的椰子油。大多数其他公司不使用新鲜的椰奶,而是让椰子肉在阳光下晒干数天甚至数周,这会导致霉菌生长和敏感化合物的热破坏。然后他们用旧的、干燥的椰子肉提取油,这并不理想,并且会导致油的健康程度大大降低。

Bee Products

Life is the flower for which love is the honey . — Victor Hugo

For so work the honey-bees, creatures that by a rule in nature teach the act of order to a peopled kingdom . — William Shakespeare

bee products are highly nutrient dense and healing—as such they are a staple in any type of anti aging diet.

In nature all things are perfect; there is a sacred geometrical design that cannot be forced by human hands. All moving parts must work together with respect of the whole. This is the proper way for the inhabitants of nature and humans to live together. The importance of the bee kingdom is misunderstood on various levels. Bees are important for certain ecosystems as a major pollinator of flowers. Bees cross pollinate from the flower to other plants. The flower contains the sexual reproductive pollen of nature, and it is delivered to other plants by bees in order to help them fully develop. Pollination of food crops, such as blueberries, strawberries, cucumbers, melons, and most other food crops, is good to know due to the misuse of pesticides and other environmental factors like nearby suburban developments put pressure on the health of this wild life. The organic bee keepers are doing a phenomenal service, and we should do whatever we can to support their efforts in keeping ethical bee farms up and running.

The use of bee products have spanned across the frontiers of recorded history as a core component of nearly all longevity diets and blue zone cultures. It may be possible that no other animal has had more of an intimate connection with the human species than bees. The magic of honey during ancient times seems to be shrouded in a bit of mystery and the attraction to it must have been instinctive to indigenous peoples as it surely has been for wild animals. Despite the opinions of many “experts”, we truly know very little of early man’s true eating habits. We do have good evidence that one of the staples of many cultures was the use of honey and pollen. Countless biblical references have been presented such as Proverbs 25:16:“Hast thou found honey? Eat so much as its sufficient for thee . The book of Ezekiel shows true in Ezekiel 16:13:“Thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil; and thou wast exceeding beautiful, and thou didst prosper into a kingdom . The great cultures of the past knew these foods had inherent life extending properties unlike anything else that positively effects clarity of mind, strength of the body, and conscious awareness.

“The longest living people in the Caucasus Mountains of Russia, upwards of 125 years of age, regularly consumed honey they harvested fresh from the combs.”

The magic of this category of food produced from the sacred bee hive appears to be the source in which they come from. Bees are cultivators and travel from some of the most mana-filled areas of nature. What this means is they are absorbing the intrinsic factors of nature and these energies are giving us that direct connection when we consume these foods raw. Each one of these foods has its own properties that make them complete nutrition sources and excellent foods for a longevity diet. When combined, they become a power house of nutrition that could store in the body for future needs.

When Professor Nicolal Vasllievich Tsitsin from the U.S.S.R (Russia), a biologist and botanist, did a long term study on the longest living people in the Caucasus Mountains of Russia, he was very intrigued with what reports have stated over 200 people living in the upwards of 125 years of age, some say even 150. What was most surprising to Professor Tsitsin was all of the natives were still working well into their older age. This was a clear sign of remarkable health. The common theme he was looking for between the people was that they all worked with bees and what they consumed regularly was the thick residual accumulation of honey they harvested fresh from the combs. Tsitsin was served a portion of what he would believe to be their anti aging nectar, a sticky glob-like substance (honey) that had inside it noticeably large amounts of bee pollen. The product of the bee hive combined with the villagers’ healthy lifestyle and clean air was what is to be believed to be the main ingredients to their longevity diet and impressive vitality.


“The people of antiquity knew that both milk and honey are strongly connected with healthy human life force.”   Rudolph Steiner

honey never goes bad when stored properly, which speaks volumes about what it could do for your body as an integral part of your anti aging diet…

The sweet nectar we call honey has had a long history as a revered longevity enhancing food in different civilizations such as Egypt, the Middle East, Ancient China, mighty Rome, mythical Greece, and traditional Central America. Honey has had different uses than just food. In Egypt they used it for embalming the dead. It was used as an ointment for burns and skin rashes as well as helping to alleviate throat issues like chronic bronchitis and asthmatic conditions. Topical honey has been used in the place of topical antibiotics for diabetic ulcers. Honey is a verified antibacterial substance because of the natural hydrogen peroxide properties present in most honey. Honey has been used in Ayurvedic, Chinese and many branches of anti aging medicine through their traditional applications. A common practice in China, as well as India, is to ball up certain herbs and honey an effective herbal delivery system.

The nutritional complex of raw honey is very impressive, far more than any other sweetener. Honey is a far superior source of carbohydrates than heavier sources before and after workouts to influence muscle recuperation. The carbohydrates stored in the muscle (glycogen) help effective restoration. Most protein supplements contain a carbohydrate derived from corn called maltodextrin which is used to compliment protein intake. Studies have verified that using honey instead of maltodextrin has equal, if not better, effects for muscle repair.

Honey has a good response in moderation for those dealing with glycemic sensitivities due to the complex sugars it gradually releases into the blood stream, making it a sustainable source of energy. Honey is extremely enzymatic, making it much more digestible than more sugar concentrated foods, specifically processed carbohydrates, which, in most cases, glob up our cells and can shorten our life span. The big problem with carbohydrates in conventional food practices is that they are void of complimenting nutrients which honey has in excess. High quality raw honey is full of B Vitamins such as Thiamin(B1), Niacin(B3), Riboflavin(B2), and Pyridoxine(B6). It has an impressive list of minerals which may vary depending on the source of the pollination. For instance, Manuka honey is said to have the highest concentration of minerals of any honey. The darker the honey, the more dense the nutrition is in most cases, assuming it is raw, organic, and unfiltered, making it an ideal food for a longevity diet.


Organic Raw Unprocessed Honey
This is ultra-high quality honey just like nature intended—raw, unheated, unfiltered and organic. Unfiltered honey has small amounts of naturally occurring superfoods like propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly in addition to the medicinally active, delicious honey itself. Most other honeys are filtered which removes these health and longevity boosting compounds. A true, holistic superfood from the bees.

Bee Pollen

bee pollen has long been valued as a core superfood and longevity supplement for overall health and wellbeing.

Bee pollen is one of the best sources of nutrition in nature, making it an excellent addition to a healthy diet. It can bridge the gap for almost anyone experiencing nutrient deficiencies. The protein content is said to be around 40% free-form amino acids which means the protein is highly available and can act almost immediately in the blood stream. Bee pollen exceeds all animal products as a complete protein. Serious athletes and body builders have used this food for decades. Muhammed Ali who is considered the greatest boxer of all time by many was known to start using bee pollen to supplement his training. This is possibly where he got the phrase “Float like a butter fly, sting like a bee”.

Honey bee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in nature in a single food.”   Institute of Apiculture, Taranov Russia

Bee pollen is one of the most concentrated sources of polysaccharides (essential sugars), that reprogram our immune system. Bee pollen also contains a high amount of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), nucleic acids that aid in the formation of healthy cells and can stimulate the growth of new skin tissue. As a result of these unique nucleic acids, it can positively effect our genetic code and is a key component of a longevity diet. This food is so powerful that it is not to be abused; it must be respected like any of the foods we would deem “super foods”, and therefore you would only require a decent amount to make a difference. You can mix half a tablespoon or possible even less with some honey or just eat it straight.


Greenbow Organic Bee Pollen
Harvested from bees that feed exclusively on organic, wild, non-gmo, pesticide, herbicide and completely chemical-free plants and flowers. Non-organic/wild-harvested bee pollen may contain high levels of dangerous pesticides. Greenbow bee pollen is harvested and kept at low temperatures throughout the bottling process to ensure heat-sensitive, anti aging compounds and nutrient remain intact.

Royal Jelly

When the time comes for the worker bees of a colony to breed a new queen they must select several small larvae to feed them generous amounts of royal jelly in order to initiate the transitional stages. Royal jelly is the secretion from a honey bee used as a high quality source of nutrition originally for the development of the queen. In asian cultures, royal jelly is celebrated as a longevity food, supporting fertility, immunity, and long life. Considering how this food in particular is reserved for the queen bee who lives exceedingly longer than regular worker bees, the queen also matures sexually whereas the worker bees do not. This presents an interesting idea, such as the doctrine of signatures, when looking at the potential of a food so unique and exclusive to the royalty of an entire species.

“In asian cultures, royal jelly is celebrated as a life extending food, supporting fertility, immunity, and long life.”

Royal jelly contains many of the same B-complex vitamins in honey and bee pollen along with sources of different amino acids, simple sugars (monosaccharides), and fatty acids. The main constituent of royal jelly that causes a female larvae to develop into a fully matured queen bee is the individual protein royalactin . This protein seems to cause a phenotypical change in the bee, giving it a larger size and ovary development. Bee products have always been linked to increased sexual health and royal jelly seems to be no different. Royal jelly has also been shown to improve brain health by stimulating the growth of glial cells (provide protection and support to brain neurons) and neural stem cells(self renewable cells). This can explain why the queen bee develops quicker than the other’s due to an increased production of glial cells that, both protect, and build out the queens nervous system.

If you decide to use royal jelly then do it sparingly since it is very potent.  About the size of your pinky finger tip is enough to begin with. I have been known to throw a small spoonful into raw chocolate fudge or just it eat straight.


Y.S. Bee Farms Raw Royal Jelly
Y.S. Fresh Royal Jelly has a superior beehive quality with maximum level of 10-HDA, safely preserved by blending with energy packed raw honey capable of naturally crystallizing and maintaining its thick consistency. Y.S. Beekeepers are serious about true, honest, healthy bee products. One of the finest Royal Jelly products available worldwide—ideally for longevity diets.


Propolis is the resinous material that is collected by bees from a mixture of botanical sources. This waxy substance is used to provide protection from outside invaders as well as to seal up any holes or cracks in the hive. Propolis has been studied extensively for its unique anti-bacterial compounds that have been used all through human history as food and treatments. Bees are depicted on Egyptian vases because it is a well known fact that they used this product of the hive effectively for sores and ulcers and other life extending properties. The Egyptians were also known to use strips of propolis on the bodies of the deceased in order to prevent decay from microbes and other bacterial infections. In the book Health from the Hive , Carlson Wade points out the recognition of propolis by the Roman scholar Pliny (A.D.23-79) as a medicinal tool to soothe pain, reduce swelling and heal sores. Wade had this interesting observation, “So we see that the beehive is a miniature city teeming with life. The temperature inside the hive is kept at approximately 95 F. With 90% humidity—a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of molds, mildews, and bacteria. Yet the hive remains the most sterile environment found in nature. Reason:Propolis has antibacterial and fungicidal agents and contains many different antibiotic substances.”

The nutritional composition of propolis varies from hive to hive, like most natural foods. Propolis is said to be approximately 55% resins and balms and 30% wax. These are considered to be the bacteria fighting compounds in this exotic, longevity enhancing substance. It is full of amino acids, minerals such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper along with most likely “undiscovered trace minerals” to note. Perhaps the most important aspect of propolis is its bioflavonoids, otherwise known in the medical community as “vitamin P”. These flavonoids are a type of plant pigment found in certain fruits and vegetables as well as flowers found in nature. Our immune system gets attacked on a daily basis.  Flavonoids add a tremendous antioxidant surge to our body, thus empowering our immune system to full strength. Oxidative stress on our internal system is a major issue in any city environment, especially considering the food choices most people are making. Terms some people may be familiar with are polyphenols (cellular restoration, blocks cancer cells from forming), quercetin (Anti-inflammatory, helps vitamin C work better), and epicatachin (supports heart health, circulatory health-also found in cacao) which are different types of flavonoids that work to increase vigor and extend all forms of life and should be included on any longevity diet!


Y.S. Bee Farms Raw High Potency Propolis Extract
A highly potent, raw propolis extract infused into raw honey for maximum efficacy and best taste. Blending the propolis with raw honey allows it to penetrate deeper into the body’s tissues and cells for maximum effectiveness.

Cacao (Raw Chocolate)

cacao is one of the key foods for reversing aging and supplying a wide range of essential nutrients and phytochemicals. photo:everjean

Cacao is the seed of a fruit where all chocolate in the world comes from. There is literally no chocolate bar in creation that did not start, in some portion, from the cacao producing tree. A food shrouded in mystery for hundreds of years, it has recently come into prominence. This may be the most powerful super food in existence for the simple fact it has the most universal appeal.  The world at large has already fallen in love with this food, they just did not know it. They have been involved in a love affair with chocolate not realizing it was the cacao they craved. Cacao is the most chemically complex food ever identified under scientific analysis making it the most unique, nutritionally compacted, and culinarily versatile.

Cacao is the most alchemical food because it can go from a nut to a chocolate bar—it transforms itself with the assistance of a chocolatier. There is a movement of raw, organic, vegan chocolate making sweeping the health food world. The alchemical purpose of this is to use chocolate as a delivery vehicle for herbal medicine. Herbs are a class of food and work best when delivered through a food source. This has been traditionally practiced in regions of central and south America for thousands of years.  Introducing this form of medicine is the most profound and effective way to get other super foods and herbs into the body. This can be done via solid raw chocolates, raw fudges, or hot herbal elixirs (recipes provided in the back of the book), all excellent additions to any longevity diet.


Natural Miracles Raw Organic Cacao Powder
Ultra high quality raw, organic Arriba cacao from sustainable farms in Ecuador. Low temperature dried and processed for maximum nutrient bioavailability and freshness. Rich in Theobromine, PEA and other anti aging compounds. A core component of any diet for reversing aging.

Theobromine (dimethylxanthine )

Theobromine is the bitter alkaloid most abundant in cacao (chocolate) among 17 other identified plants including Yerba Mate (Illex paragueriensis), Ilex Guayusa, and Kola Nuts. It is a part of the methylxanthine class of alkaloids which include theophylline, mattiene, and caffeine as sibling molecules. Theobromine may in fact be the most potent and physiologically supportive alkaloid that is appropriate for consistent consumption. The worlds absolute favorite food is chocolate in all of its incarnations. It appears, based on strict scientific research and observational studies that dark chocolate (cacao) is the single most cardiovascular protective food across the board, making it an ideal addition to a longevity diet. A long term Dutch study was conducted with 470 men in their mid 60’s and in good health. Researchers followed the men for 15 years.  The concluding findings were the men who consumed more chocolate products than those who consumed less or none had a documented 50% decrease in heart attack risk. Even when factors such as smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise were considered the protective aspects of chocolate consumptions proved stable. This has been attributed to the vast array of polyphenols in chocolate that speed up nitric oxide production in the blood. I surmise that this is a big factor but more important is the theobromine content.

Theobromine has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. It is a vasodilator meaning it dilates the blood capillaries increasing oxygen absorption and smooth blood flow. The stimulatory effects of theobromine are similar to caffeine except theobromine does not affect the central nervous system, it is entirely a cardiovascular stimulant. This helps explain why the longest living woman ever recorded, Jeanne Louise Calment, ate 2.2 lbs of dark chocolate every week until her final days at 122 years old. Clearly it is one of the best foods for longevity and health. From 1890-1930 theobromine was isolated and administered via intravenous injection to revive heart attack victims. Theobromine has also been identified as the most effective anti-asthmatic compound found in nature. The bronchial muscles that reside at the ends of the lower bronchus can become tight, inhibiting oxygen flow leading to asthma. Theobromine is a bronchial dilator known to alleviate the symptoms of asthma by loosening the bronchial muscle. I have seen this effect first hand working with actors and musicians in Los Angeles. One day they are caught with a cough, or strep throat from either smoking or performing extensively, I make them a special cacao tonic and the very next day their symptoms have dissipated.

Caffeine (trimethylxanthine )

One of the most commonly abused alkaloids is caffeine via inorganic high acid-forming coffee. I want to acknowledge my long held assumptions about coffee and be one of the first in the field of living foods to contend that not all coffee products are created equal. Commercial coffee beans are mass produced on chemical sprayed farms and facilities posing health risks for the farmers and the consumer at large. Due to the low level fermentation processes of commercially traded coffee the common beans that people brew are loaded with fungi-bacteria called mycotoxins. This is the main contributor behind the brain fog and energy roller coasted often associated with coffee consumptions. Caffeine gets lumped into a generalized group of substances by most serious health food luddites as stimulants. This is a oversimplification of caffeines role as a powerful brain and cardiovascular supporting alkaloid.

Putting aside the hype and looking strictly at the pharmacological data on caffeine some interesting insights have arisen for me in regards to life extension and aging. Caffeine in moderate amounts inhibits a neurotransmitter-blocker called adenosine which is designed to suppress central nervous system activity. A slight reduction in adenosine caused by consuming caffeine allows certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin to become more active. When caffeine is over consumed it can decrease GABA production leading to elevated cortisol and anxiety in some individuals, not always the case with those who can metabolize caffeine more efficiently. Animal studies have been conducted to prove that caffeine inhibits multiple sclerosis from forming. It appears based on the study results the blocking of adenosine prevents immune cells from inappropriately forming, ultimately leading to multiple sclerosis, an auto-immune nervous system deconstructing condition making it an interesting longevity supplement.

“The longest living woman ever recorded, Jeanne Louise Calment, ate 2.2 lbs of dark chocolate every week until her final days at 122 years old.”

Research has provided conclusive evidence that caffeinated beverages such as organic low toxin coffee is cardiovascular supportive and can significantly cut the risk of stroke by 36%. Caffeine increases circulatory function by breaking down endothelial scar tissue and promoting blood flow to the arteries of the brain. It appears that one of the primary methods caffeine improves cognitive function is by increasing oxygen transportation to the brain, effectively slowing the aging process.

The discovery I found most interesting was that caffeine is what is known as a methyl donor. Methylation is a critical factor of metabolism, cognitive function, detoxification, and genetic expression. A methyl group is simply the transferring of a substance which contains 1 carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms (CH3) to another substance. Caffeine is a methyl donor; tri (3)-methyl-xanthine is the chemical name for caffeine. Theobromine is also a methyl donor; di (2)-methyl-xanthine. Methylation takes place by way of the liver detoxifying caffeine in order to strip off its methyl groups and redistribute them elsewhere as needed by the body. As methyl groups are stripped away hourly caffeines chemical structures changes thus making it more physiologically active. The given half life where the body eliminates 1/2 of the total caffeine varies on the individual based on liver metabolism. Some people can only consume caffeinated beverages in the morning and some have mild stimulatory effects later in the evening. Caffeine is metabolized by the liver, thus it is not recommended for those with weakened liver function to consume caffein until they heal their liver through raw food, juicing, and liver/gall bladder flushing. If one has a compromised liver the half life of caffeine can accumulate in the extremes of 96 hours whereas in a healthy individual it may only last 3-4 hours.

It is recommended to only purchase organic fair-trade mycotoxin free coffee and use it functionally as part of a larger longevity diet. Alkaloid rich substances are powerful and used irresponsible can become counter productive. It is recommended to cycle off of coffee products long term and replace them with less abrasively stimulating caffeinated herbs.

Yerba Mate

Illex paraguariensis most commonly known as Yerba Mate is a now famous herbal tea that originates in the Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay regions of South America. It is considered one of the most medicinal caffeinated plants in common usage world wide. It has been studied for it’s proven effects on increasing metabolic rate and being used as a weight loss herb. It is far more known for it’s effects on enhancing focus, concentration, and mental alertness without the common side effects of coffee. Yerba mate is a good source of xanthine chemicals including theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine and as such would be wise to include on an anti aging diet. The amount of caffeine in a normal serving of yerba mate is substantially lower than in a cup of black coffee. The concentration of antioxidants such as quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and saponins greatly outweighs that of green tea.  Yerba mate is heart protective, cognitively enhancing, and mood supportive.


Mate Factor Organic, Fresh Brazilian Yerba Mate
Antioxidant, chlorophyll and caffeine rich organic yerba mate fresh from the jungles of Brazil. Conveniently packaged in tea bags for ease of use. Extra large tea bags are double strength for maximum potency and longevity-enhancing effects.

Illex Guayusa

Guayusa is an indigenous plant that grows native to the Ecudorian Amazon rainforest. The Guayusa tree is considered by many as the caffeinated Amazonian holly tree. The leaves of this plant contain the largest concentration of caffeine of any known plant in the world. Unlike high acid coffee though it has no association with high blood pressure, stomach problems, anxiety, moodiness, or heart disease. Like it’s chemical cousin Yerba Mate this herb hosts a wide spectrum of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid, theobromine, polyphenols, flavonoids, and saponins. Interestingly as the highest caffeine source in nature it also contains a good amount of L-theanine. This amino acid compound helps to produce dopamine which is responsible for reducing stress and balancing the nervous system. L-theanine is used as an isolated supplement to calm an over active mind and reduce anxiety, which both contribute to life extension and longevity. Guayusa is a powerful replacement to a daily coffee ritual.


Wild Foods Organic Guayusa Tea
With an abundance of healthy polyphenol antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and 25 essential amino acids and a fresh, naturally smooth and sweet taste, this organic guayusa loose leaf tea is an essential part of any longevity diet. Grown by 3,000 indigenous families in sustainable Amazon rainforest gardens, this fair-trade guayusa tea is as close as it gets to freshly harvesting the plant in the rainforest itself. Ultra-pure and potent.

This article on the longevity diet is excerpted with permission from The Inner Alchemy Youthening Program:A Guide to Everything Vitality, Energy, and Beauty by Ronnie Landis.